Appetite for Action at Education and Training Roundtable

Pavee Point was very happy today to host our second annual roundtable on education and training.   It was great to have people working in a range of education settings from Early Years to Third Level and Further Education as well as Traveller organisations from Donegal, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary as well as Dublin attend.  There was also representation from Government departments.

The focus was on open discussion and sharing of views about the issues and experiences Travellers and Roma are having at all levels in education. 

Speakers set the scene in terms of experiences and policies and there were a range of workshops covering all levels of education and focusing on equality of access, participation and outcomes.

Rudlolf Simonic speaks on Roma experiences in education.

From the discussions we can see there is a great appetite for action to bring about systemic and cultural change and ensure that future generations of Travellers and Roma reach their full potential.  

Workshop on Further, Higher and Lifelong Education.
Workshop on Early Years Education.

Discussions were useful in preparation for upcoming consultations on the long-awaited Traveller Roma Education Strategy currently in development at the Department of Education.

Hughie Collins, Pavee Point Education Worker speaks about his experiences in education.
Workshop on Primary and Post Primary.

Traveller and Roma parents and grandparents spoke passionately about their hopes for their children and grandchildren. ‘We would like to see our children  and our grand children valued and positively visible in educational settings from Early Years to Higher Education.  It is time for action and great to hear that there is a Traveller and Roma Education Strategy being developed’ said Gabi Muntean of Pavee Point.

Workshop on discrimination.
(LtoR) Pavee Point Education Co Ordinator, Stephanie McDermott with Pavee Point Education Worker Tracey Reilly, Chairperson Anastasia Crickley and Senator Eileen Flynn who spoke at the event.

Supported by RETHINK, SOLAS, Pavee Point Education Programme and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.