Roundtable on Education & Training – 22 November

Please see the agenda for our Roundtable on Education & Training.

To book, please email


10.00 am – Registration – Tea and Coffee

10.30am – Welcome, Introduction to the Day, Opening Remarks Tracey Reilly, Pavee Point
Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson Pavee Point

10.40am – Senator Eileen Flynn addresses the meeting

10.45am – Traveller and Roma Education and Training, Experiences and Issues, followed by Buzz groups and plenary discussion – Vanessa Paszkowska & Hughie Collins, Pavee Point

11.10am – Current Policies and Strategies informing our Roundtable:
‘National Traveller Roma Education’ Martin Collins, Pavee Point
‘National Traveller Roma Inclusion Strategy 1 and 2’ Maria Joyce, National Traveller Women’s Forum
‘National Equity of Access to Further and Higher Education Plan ‘Megan Berry, Maynooth University
‘ Training Initiatives’ Bernard Joyce, Irish Traveller Movement

11.40am – Break and Networking opportunity

12.noon – Workshops: From Issues to Action.

1. Equality of access, participation and outcomes, from Early Years to Leaving Certificate.

2. Equality of access, participation, and outcomes in Further, Higher Lifelong education.

3. Traveller and Roma visibility access to roles and jobs in Education and Training.

4. Discrimination and differentials including reduced timetables, lower expectations,
and racism.

14.45 Feedback Wall

13.00 Plenary discussion and responses from Government departments including
Department of Education and Department of Children Equality Disability Integration and Youth.

13.25 Closing remarks and lunch.