Statement: Greenacres servitude case in England

Pavee Point notes the conviction of people in England, charged with forcing destitute men into servitude and forced labour. We welcome the work done by the police in prosecuting the case, and, as we did in September 2011 when the case emerged, we condemn utterly the activities of those responsible.

Pavee Point is dedicated to the promotion of the Human Rights of all people — Pavee Point unequivocally condemns slavery, exploitation of vulnerable people and forced labour in all their forms, wherever, by whomever perpetrated and whenever they occur. The crimes of which people have been convicted today are extremely serious – it’s important that justice is done and that nobody should be left in any doubt that this activity was heinous and utterly unacceptable.

We further ask that anybody with any information on mistreatment of vulnerable people, slavery or forced labour to give that information to the relevant authorities — people in Ireland who wish to do this confidentially can contact Garda Confidential by free telephone on 1800 666 111.

Update – a retrial will take place into the case against four of the accused, whilst two people convicted of offences currently await sentence.  The statement above has been amended to reflect the fast changing nature of the case.