Lack of progress on Traveller Health attacked by Vincent Browne

In today’s Irish Times, commentator and broadcaster Vincent Browne has published a serious attack on the failure to make progress on the results of Our Geels -the All Ireland Traveller Health Study.  Pavee Point welcomes the article, and has made available a summary of results from the health study here.

Describing the need for more investment and focus on Traveller health as a ‘no-brainer’, he points out in his article:

“The budget for Traveller health has been cut progressively since then by 5 per cent per annum. Visiting teachers to Travellers have been ended; there has been a reduction in after-school support programmes for Travellers; and the cuts in social welfare and rent supplements have impacted particularly severely on Travellers. And more and more Travellers are taking their own lives.

It’s a no-brainer.”

Pavee Point encourages all supporters and interested parties to contribute to the debate on the Irish Times website.