#EU Roma Week promotes civil society engagement

Pavee Point is at the European Commission today in Brussels to talk about the role of civil society reporting in pushing forward policy in relation to Travellers and Roma.  There are specific targets to be achieved under the EU Roma Strategic Framework 2020-2030.

Ireland is currently behind in this work as Ireland has yet to publish a follow up to the National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy  2017 – 2021 (NTRIS).

The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, tasked with overseeing the Strategy, is currently driving a NTRIS review process and has indicated that it will commence its consultation process shortly with Traveller and Roma organisations.

“It is vital that Traveller and Roma organisations are involved in deciding the priorities for the next NTRIS. There is also a need for sustainable resourcing by all government departments for supporting implementation,” said Lynsey Kavanagh, Co Director Pavee Point in Brussels.

Pavee Point is part of a Roma Civil Monitor project with 90 NGOs across Europe, working to monitor the implementation of National Traveller and Roma Strategies and has produced a number of reports.

The Roma Civil Monitor facilitates ngos to assess national inclusion strategies; assists with capacity building and builds solidarity between ngos at a European level.

Session at European Parliament.