Speaking on Rathkeale Violence

Martin Collins, Co Director Pavee Point has condemned recent incidences of violence on the streets of Rathkeale. He was speaking on RTE’s Drivetime today.

“The scenes were absolutely horrific and this is not acceptable,” he said.

Mr Collins also called for a ‘careful, calm and considered response’ to the situation and said all the information he had indicated this was not a typical Traveller ‘feud’.

He urged all relevant stakeholders to be involved and engaged in working out an appropriate response and that Travellers also needed to have a voice.

Mr. Collins also warned about the kind of militaristic rhetoric that was being used in the media about the situation.

Listen to interview with Martin Collins – starts at 19min 20sec – https://www.rte.ie/radio/radio1/drivetime/programmes/2022/1220/1343059-drivetime-tuesday-20-december-2022/