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Pavee Point has produced the first of a series of reports, published by the European Commission, on new National Traveller & Roma Inclusion Strategies 2021 – 2025.
Ireland was due to review its current NTRIS by 2021 but this review has been delayed. In our report Pavee Point urges the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth to rapidly develop the next iteration of NTRIS and ensure a clear and robust implementation framework.
To ensure proper implementation we call for each action in NTRIS to be assigned to a named government department or agency responsible for its delivery and for measurable targets to be included.
A post- 2022 NTRIS should prioritize annualised high level strategic actions which have the potential to achieve tangible outcomes for Travellers and Roma in key domains. This must be in line with the European Roma Strategic Framework.
The report was produced as part of the Roma Civil Monitor, a project with 90 NGOs across Europe, that facilitates Traveller and Roma organizations to assess national Traveller and Roma inclusion strategies; assist with capacity building and build solidarity between ngos at a European level. It is led by the Central European University.