Human Rights Commission invokes powers on Traveller accommodation

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes today’s announcement by the Irish Human Rights & Equality Commission (the Commission) that it is invoking its legal powers to invite 7 local authorities to prepare and implement Equality Action Plans on Traveller Accommodation.

“This is a very welcome step by the Commission,” said Pavee Point Co Director, Martin Collins, “It firmly situates the provision of Traveller specific accommodation in the area of human rights and helps to shine a light on local authority failure in this area.”

“Travellers are desperate for new accommodation.  Money for Traveller accommodation has been sent back by local authorities again and again. In the last two years, budgets have been spent – but on refurbishments.  We need new builds.”

The Commission is offering to work with local authorities and has recommended involving local Traveller organisations in drawing up plans and creating models of best practice.  “We need to find new ways of progressing the delivery of Traveller accommodation.  Our human rights depend on it,” said Mr. Collins.

In 2019, the Commission invited each of the 31 local authorities in the State to undertake an equality review of their provision of Traveller accommodation. This review focused on repeated failures nationally to draw down ring-fenced capital budgets in order to meet human rights obligations on Traveller-specific accommodation.

More information here.