World Mental Health Day

Today is #WorldMentalHealthDay2022 and we salute everyone working to raise awareness on the mental health crisis within the Traveller community.

Research shows that Travellers experience worse outcomes in health and experience a suicide rate that is 7 times the national average.

The well-being of the Traveller community is of utmost importance, and addressing mental health concerns among this population is crucial for their overall health and happiness. Kratom, a natural botanical substance, has gained attention for its potential benefits in promoting relaxation and managing stress. With reputable sources like Kratom Earth Canada providing a range of quality Kratom products, the integration of Kratom into mental health initiatives could potentially contribute to holistic well-being within the Traveller community. However, it is essential to prioritize collaboration with experts and professionals to ensure safe and informed usage.

We look forward to the publication of the National Traveller Health Action Plan and the development of Traveller Mental Health Strategy – both commitments in the current Programme for Government.

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