Report acknowledges racism in prison system

Pavee Point was delighted to feed into this report by the Irish Penal Reform Trust. Speaking at the launch Pavee Point’s Nuala Kelly welcomed recommendations on the need for antiracism in penal system, to address institutional racism and professional development for staff.

Ms. Kelly also highlighted the need for more data on ethnicity and commended the prison and probation services for getting training in this area.

Speakers at the launch included Dr Seamus Taylor, Chair IPRT , Khatuna Tsintsadze, Zahid Mubarek Trust, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Lead, Irish Prison Service Séamus Beirne, Dr Bashir Tukoga, DCU, Senior Probation Officer Michelle Richardson, Nuala Kelly, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre and Maria Joyce of the National Traveller Women’s Forum.