Ronnie Fay, RIP – Memories and Tributes

Our deepest sympathies on the sad and untimely death of our Co Director, Ronnie Fay go to her partner Philip, her children Jonathan, Veronica and Patrick, her brother and sisters, including our much appreciated colleague Oonagh, and extended family members.

On 3rd of February we said our final good bye to Ronnie Fay.  May she rest in peace and may her courage, commitment and determination live on in all who seek to work for the transformation essential for a just, sustainable world for everyone, everywhere. 

These tributes only go someway to trying to express our appreciation of Ronnie.

Pavee Point Chairperson Anastasia Crickley talks about Ronnie’s many contributions to Pavee Point and to Traveller and Roma rights everywhere. Read here.

Ronnie Fay and Anastasia Crickley, 2009. ©Photo by Derek Speirs . Click on image for tribute.

Martin Collins, Pavee Point Co Director speaks about sharing the directorship of Pavee Point with Ronnie and working together for nearly 40 years. Read here.

Martin Collins and Ronnie Fay. ©Photo by Derek Speirs

Rosaleen McDonagh, playwright and Board member Pavee Point gives insights into some of Ronnie’s own inspirations. Read here.

Rosaleen McDonagh and Ronnie Fay. ©Photo by Derek Speirs. Click on image for tribute.

Missy Collins has worked with Ronnie on Traveller health for many, many years and talks about working with Ronnie to challenge perceptions of Travellers over many years. Read here.

Missy Collins and Ronnie Fay. ©Photo by Derek Speirs. Click on image for tribute.

Gabi and Tica Muntean of our Roma Programme how talking with Ronnie you felt she knew you a long time. Read here.