Well Done on Justice for the Undocumented

Well done to all at Migrant Rights Centre Ireland and Justice for the Undocumented on success on their long running campaign to regularise undocumented people, families and children in Ireland.

A new scheme announced this week by Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee allows people who have been living undocumented in Ireland for 4 years or more or 3 years or more with children here, to apply and regularise their immigration status. It also includes a separate track for International Protection applicants who are in the process for a minimum of 2 years.

Key to the achievement of this campaign is passion for justice, equality and respect for human dignity.  Pavee Point, and other organisations and individuals, were involved in a 35 year campaign for the acknowledgment of Traveller ethnicity.   There were setbacks in this campaign but people’s convictions and determination got us through.  This positive change, brought about by MCRI’s own steely determination, will facilitate the undocumented to come out of the shadows and live a life not in fear but with dignity.

“This scheme will allow us to live securely in our homes, no longer in fear that the next knock at the door will be someone to take us away. We can stand up for our rights at work, our children can grow up safely, and we can visit our families for the first time in many years. We are grateful to all the supporters and allies who have campaigned with us.” Said Tjanasi Potso, Chairperson of Justice For the Undocumented.

For further information please see – https://www.mrci.ie/scheme21/