Traveller Tinsmithing at Woodquay for #CultureNight

Pavee Point is collaborated with Culture Night Dublin and the Parish of the Travelling People to bring Traveller tinsmithing to the heart of Dublin City for #Culture Night.

Tinsmiths James Collins and Tom McDonnell joined with our Traveller Primary Health Care workers to present tinsmithing and share stories about traditional Traveller life. Geraldine McDonnell of the Parish of the Travelling People was MC.

It was a great event and we share some photos with you thanks to photographer Derek Speirs.

A wonderful setting at Woodquay Amphitheatre, Dublin Civic Offices
(LtoR) James Collins and Tom McDonnell, with Presentation MC Geraldine McDonnell and Traveller Primary Health Care Worker Molly Collins speaking. ©Photo by Derek Speirs
Traveller Tinsmiths (LtoR) James Collins and Tom McDonnell ©Photo by Derek Speirs
The finished product – the ponger. (LtoR) MC Geraldine McDonnell, James Collins and Tom McDonnell, with Molly Collins and Brigid Collin ©Photo by Derek Speirs
CULTURE NIGHT at the Wood Quay Amphitheatre. ©Photo by Derek Speirs
Questions from the audience. ©Photo by Derek Speirs
Sheila Reilly, Molly Collins and Bridgie Collins provide a wealth of information about life on the road. ©Photo by Derek Speirs
Happy with their ponger ©Photo by Derek Speirs
Tinsmithing demonstration by Traveller Tinsmiths; James Collins and Tom McDonnell at the Wood Quay Amphitheatre. ©Photo by Derek Speirs
Geraldine McDonnell with the finished copper jug. ©Photo by Derek Speirs

Traveller tinsmithing is on the Government’s National Inventory of Intangible Culture along with the Traveller language CANT/Gammon. Pavee Point is working to promote respect and recognition for Traveller culture and identity as part of our overall vision that Travellers and Roma are fully recognised and respected as minority ethnic groups who are proud and confident in their cultural identity and exercising their human rights.

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