Political Will Needed to Deliver on Traveller Accommodation in ‘Housing For All’

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes the Government’s statement in ‘Housing For All’ that addressing Traveller accommodation needs is a priority.

“We need urgent implementation of existing policy,” said Martin Collins, Co Director, Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre, “And this Government needs to show it has the political will to deliver.

 “Traveller accommodation is in crisis with homelessness up to 39% and severe overcrowding. Travellers are disillusioned at the lack of progress in the last 10 years,” said Mr. Collins.

 “Travellers on halting sites have poor facilities – some without water and electricity and others are forced to live on the side of the road with nothing.   This reality remains invisible in this document and there is no proper recognition of the human rights issues at stake,” he said.  

While specific targets are outlined in relation to other sectors in the document,  these are lacking in terms of Traveller accommodation – especially numbers of new units.

Pavee Point  also calls for Traveller organisations to be represented on the proposed National Homeless Action Committee and to be involved at decision-making and policy-making level.

“The Government needs to show it has the political will to deliver on Traveller accommodation, to recognise Traveller homelessness and to challenge the racism and discrimination that underpins the Traveller accommodation crisis,” said Mr. Collins.

‘Housing for All’ is the Government’s housing plan for the next decade. See below for Traveller specific section of ‘Housing for All’ and see here for full document.