Celebrating Roma and Traveller LGBT+ identity

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The National LGBT+ Traveller & Roma Action Group firstever 2021 LGBT+ Traveller & Roma Calendar is a great way to promote positive identity.

Higher levels of poor mental health are common both in the Traveller community and the LGBT+ community.

Consequently, LGBT+ Travellers and Roma battle layers of discrimination as they strive to find self-acceptance, community acceptance and societal celebration of all of who they are.

“This calendar aims to give visibility to LGBT+ Travellers and Roma in our communities and is an opportunity for allies to show their support – it’s a very positive step,” John Paul Collins of Pavee Point. Pavee Point as part of our work on LGBT+ issues is also part of the National LGBT+ Traveller & Roma Action Group.

The calendar not only gives out positive messages but also has important contact information for people looking for support.

For further information email BecomeaAlly@ gmail.com