Solidarity on International Traveller & Roma Day 2020

As we go through this Covid19/Coronavirus crisis, thank you for your show of solidarity with Travellers and Roma on Wednesday 8th of April – International Traveller & Roma Day.

This crisis presents extra challenges for many Travellers and Roma who live in already vulnerable situations in cities and in rural settings around the country.


Both Travellers and Roma live in overcrowded situations. Even in standard housing we know Travellers experience higher levels of overcrowding. The National Roma Needs Assessment carried out in 2018 showed that 45% of Roma surveyed did not have enough beds in their accommodation.

No Running Water or Electricity

Almost 3,000 Travellers live in unofficial sites or on the side of the road without access to running water, electricity and toilets. This makes cocooning, self-isolation and handwashing extra difficult.

Higher Levels of Chronic Disease

Following years of marginalisation and poor living conditions, Travellers experience higher levels of chronic disease such as asthma, stroke, heart disease and respiratory disease making them more vulnerable to Covid19.

No Access to Social Welfare

Some very vulnerable Roma do not have access to social welfare and, along with others in poverty, do not have enough food to eat or nappies for their children.

What people did

Watch and learn about Traveller and Roma identities

Show solidarity on social media

Message your Traveller organisation to show solidarity during COVID19

Shared Humanity

Both the Traveller and Roma communities are resilient communities whose daily lives are often about overcoming adversity – exclusion, poor living conditions, poor mental health, discrimination and racism.

These are communities that truly understand – the wheel turns. Travellers and Roma have to take the hard knocks and keep going. Things pass.

During this global health emergency, where we all must make a change to protect our communities, we invite you to celebrate our shared humanity.