Emergency law protects Travellers from eviction

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre is happy to let you know that all Travellers, currently resident in any location, will not be evicted during the COVID-19 crisis. This protects Travellers living on the side of the road or Travellers doubling up on sites.

This is something Pavee Point had raised with the Minister for Housing Damien English and explained that the 3,000 Travellers living on side of the road are already in a difficult situation as most will not have running water or toilets.  Evictions during this COVID-19 crisis would only inflict more suffering and would stop people from staying safe during COVID-19.

Support and solidarity

We were not alone in voicing our worries and other Traveller organisations, the HSE, colleagues in government departments and politicians have supported our call to ensure the emergency law would include all Travellers. 

This emergency ban on evictions will now, not only apply to Travellers on the side of the road, but also to Travellers doubling up. The development of any new unauthorised sites will be dealt with in line with existing trespass legislation.

Basic services to ALL Travellers in need

The Department of Housing has restated to the County and City Management Association and the Chief Executives of Local Authorities to make sure they comply with the national circular that was issued last week. The circular provides a clear directive for Local Authorities to ensure that all Travellers, no matter where they are living, will get access to basic services – eg water and sanitation – where needed.

Remember – staying at home, keeping physical distance and washing hands and surfaces regularly even when at home are vital to keep us all safe.