New National Roma Network

The National Roma Network was established on the 8th April 2019 by Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre.  It was agreed that the Network would be a joint initiative between the 20 organisations currently involved.

The overall aim of the  Network is to improve the lives of Roma living in Ireland. The focus of the Network is to create a shared space of organisations working with Roma to

  • discuss issues arising

  • share experiences, information and resources

  • create referral systems

  • avoid duplicate work

  • inform policy

  • advocate in relation to Roma issues

The network aims to meet four times a year or more regularly if the need arises. Subgroups may be established to address specific topics as they emerge, and should report back at quarterly meetings.

So far the network has met three times: 8th April, 20th May, 9th July. The next meeting is scheduled for the 14th October 2019.  The Network agreed its Terms of Reference, created a shared emailing list and drafted a Directory of organisations working with Roma in Ireland.