Minister Paschal Donohoe, TD visits Pavee Point

Minister Paschal Donohoe, TD, spoke about how important the recognition of Traveller ethnicity is on a visit to Pavee Point today.

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform said he was proud to be part of the Government that recognised Traveller ethnicity and acknowledged how important it is for Traveller culture and identity

The Minister met with Travellers and Roma and talked about the issues affecting them.

Minister Paschal Donohoe, TD talks with Patrick Reilly, Mental Health Worker. ©Photo by Derek Speirs

He heard from Kathleen Lawrence how funding for Traveller accommodation is sent back unspent each year by local authorities and the need for local authorities to be held accountable.

Roma families also spoke about the difficulty in accessing accommodation and how sometimes, they cannot even access basic social protection.

“Investment in targeted services is so important to prevent further suicides among a community where suicide is already 7 times the national average,” said Patrick Reilly, Mental Health Worker.

(LtoR) Kathleen Lawrence, Ronnie Fay, Minister Paschal Donohoe, TD. ©Photo by Derek Speirs

Minister Donohoe with John Collins talking about the steps Traveller men are taking to improve their health status. ©Photo by Derek Speirs