On this day, 6th January, 1985, the Dublin Traveller Education and Development Group (DTEDG) met for the first time on a snowy morning in Meath Street. This group later became Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre.
Ronnie Fay and John O’Connell reached out to Travellers and invited them to take part in the course. From the outset, the commitment was to Traveller rights as a minority ethnic group in Irish society with a focus on discrimination and racism. Community development, with its associated principles of social justice, solidarity, equality and human rights; and an approach that involves participation, empowerment and collective action was fundamental in informing our work. Pavee Point is still guided by these principles and values today.
We’re sure you can spot some familiar faces in the photos below including Martin Collins, Co-Director, and Anastasia Crickley, Chairperson, who have both been involved since the beginning.