2nd Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence Launched

Pavee Point welcomes the Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2016-2021 launched on 20 January by Ms. Frances Fitzgerald T.D., Minister for Justice and Equality.

Tessa Collins, Violence against Women worker in Pavee Point, said;

“It is particularly welcome to see specific actions within the new Strategy that deal with improving the confidence of An Garda Síochána to manage situations of domestic and sexual abuse within Traveller and Roma communities, and for Tusla Child and Family Agency and the Health Service Executive to develop evidence based and targeted interventions in relation to domestic and sexual violence in Traveller and Roma communities.”

She notes how;

“Traveller and Roma women often don’t trust Gardaí and social workers due to negative experiences in the past. Therefore, Traveller sand Roma women who experience violence tend to avoid reporting and exiting violence.

Pavee Point also welcomes the introduction of monitoring mechanisms, which include the collection of data by ethnicity and the establishment of an oversight group which reports to a Cabinet Sub-committee.