Urgently address the drugs epidemic among Travellers – Oireachtas hears

Today, Thursday 24th October, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre addressed the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Drug Use to discuss the need for a social determinants of health-led approach to drug use. Speaking to the Committee, John Paul Collins, Drugs Alcohol and Addiction Programme (DAAP) worker, Pavee Point, stressed the gravity of the situation on […]

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Pavee Point condemns the circulation of anti-Traveller racist Longford song

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre condemns the circulation of a song that has recently gone viral about Longford town and Traveller feuding. “Not only does the song perpetuate a racist stereotype that Travellers are inherently violent, it uses racist slurs too. Perpetrating stereotypes of Travellers as aggressive and inherently violent is incredibly harmful, and […]

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‘Recovery is Possible’ Campaign

To mark the end of Recovery Month, Pavee Point’s Drug Alcohol and Addiction Programme have rolled out the ‘Recovery is Possible’ campaign, targeting Travellers and Roma who may be struggling with the effects of substance misuse.  The videos feature inputs from Czech and Romanian Roma, Travellers and services working with Travellers, and some of our […]

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Pavee Point welcomes Commissioner for Human Rights

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre was delighted to host Michael O’Flaherty, Commissioner for Human Rights at the Council of Europe, during his visit to Dublin this week. “The Commissioner has championed Travellers and Roma rights throughout his career, long before taking up his post at the Council of Europe. So, we are very pleased […]

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17th European Platform for Traveller and Roma Inclusion

Last week, Pavee Point attended the 17th European Platform for Traveller and Roma Inclusion organised by the European Commission. This year’s theme focused on Traveller and Roma Equality, Inclusion and Participation in Territorial Planning and Development. Martin Collins, Co-Director, facilitated a workshop on the important role of independent and autonomous Traveller and Roma organisations in […]

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Eastern Region Traveller Health Unit Traveller and Homelessness Coordinator

We are looking for a person to coordinate the implementation a newly established regional initiative focusing on Traveller health and homelessness. Do you have strategic thinking, policy, advocacy and coordination skills? Do you have a passion for challenging racism and structural inequalities by addressing the root causes of social injustice? If so, this job could […]

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