Fran McVeigh, RIP

Fran McVeigh was a true friend of Travellers and longtime supporter of Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre where she developed and led creative youth work initiatives and more recently contributed to our work as a board member. Her untimely passing on December 26th leaves all involved in youth work which is concerned with justice, […]

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New Builds needed in Traveller Accommodation Spend

Pavee Point welcomes news this week that for the second year in a row the full Traveller accommodation budget has been spent by local authorities. We believe that most if not all this allocation of €21 million was spent on refurbishments and redevelopments – which is important and necessary work. “We are concerned,” says Pavee […]

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Happy Christmas from Pavee Point

We are sending best wishes to Traveller and Roma families all over Ireland and especially Traveller and Roma families in overcrowded settings and still without basic facilities.    We salute your resilience and we call on all politicians, at every level, to bring about positive change for Travellers and Roma and to make 2022 a […]

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International Human Rights Day 2021

As the second International Human Rights Day since the global pandemic began Pavee Point salutes all who have struggled to address the human rights differentials exposed, and made worse, by COVID19 here and throughout the world. (Photo by Derek Speirs) Climate justice This year has also seen a worsening situation for refugee and migrant rights […]

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Well Done on Justice for the Undocumented

Well done to all at Migrant Rights Centre Ireland and Justice for the Undocumented on success on their long running campaign to regularise undocumented people, families and children in Ireland. A new scheme announced this week by Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee allows people who have been living undocumented in Ireland for 4 years or […]

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Keep children home from school if they have COVID19 symptoms

Pavee Point and the HSE have worked together to produce a number of resources that highlight how important it is, at this time, to keep children home from school if they have COVID19 symptoms. If children have symptoms – cough of any kind, a fever, change in taste or smell or shortness of breath – […]

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