Following rules on funerals can save lives – Martin Collins

“People should not be getting involved in large gatherings. It is in breach of public health guidelines,” said Martin Collins, Pavee Point Co Director. “I would encourage Travellers – difficult as it is because we all know funerals are culturally significant in our community – to follow the rules. “This is about saving lives and […]

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Support for Traveller Parents while schools are closed

The Department of Education has produced a Traveller specific video (3 mins) offering information and guidance while schools are closed. The Tusla Education Support Service is also there to help parents. See below contacts for Education Welfare Officers who can help for non-Deis schools. Write caption…

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Celebrating Roma and Traveller LGBT+ identity

The National LGBT+ Traveller & Roma Action Group firstever 2021 LGBT+ Traveller & Roma Calendar is a great way to promote positive identity. Higher levels of poor mental health are common both in the Traveller community and the LGBT+ community. Consequently, LGBT+ Travellers and Roma battle layers of discrimination as they strive to find self-acceptance, […]

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Holocaust Memorial Day 2021

Gabi Muntean of Pavee Point’s Roma Programme spoke this week at the Holocaust Memorial Day event organised by the Holocaust Education Trust. The event was a live streamed and contained a mix of live and pre-recorded material recalling the atrocities of the Holocaust. Gabi spoke of the ghettoes of Jews, Roma, Communists and Homosexuals that […]

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Empowered Voices for Traveller Men at First Fortnight

Pavee Point’s Men’s Health Team is participated in ‘Empowered Voices’ a Traveller event on Sunday for First Fortnight 2021. Our Men’s Health workers were part of a panel discussion on identity and mental health that will also include a performance of the poem ‘Gloke’. ‘Gloke’ is the result of workshops researching issues of racism, discrimination, […]

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