Role of Social Workers in Traveller accommodation

A collective submission to Review of Social Workers by Traveller organisations welcomes this review of the role of social workers in relation to the provision of accommodation by local authorities for Travellers. A recommendation is that social work, as in the provision of other services, should be delivered on the basis of identified need and […]

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Pavee 50808 – a mental health support text line for young Travellers

PAVEE 50808 is a free, 24/7, national, anonymous mental health support text line for young Travellers in Ireland. Irish Travellers experience mental health inequalities and there is a need for targeted and mainstream measures to address this – particularly with younger Travellers. Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre has worked in partnership with the HSE […]

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Report Published on COVID-19 and Traveller and Roma Higher Education

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Pavee Point has raised its concerns at the impact of COVID-19 measures on Traveller and Roma transfer to and progress within higher education. Pavee Point and the National Traveller Women’s Forum wrote to the then Minister for Education and Skills, Joe McHugh, TD and we co-hosted an education […]

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