Emergency law protects Travellers from eviction

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre is happy to let you know that all Travellers, currently resident in any location, will not be evicted during the COVID-19 crisis. This protects Travellers living on the side of the road or Travellers doubling up on sites. This is something Pavee Point had raised with the Minister for […]

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COVID-19 Information Resources

Please find here some useful resources in communicating with Travellers and Roma in relation to Coronavirus (COVID-19) Traveller Mental Health Supports COVID-19 Traveller Specific COVID-19 Information Leaflet Traveller Specific Video Information video in Romanian Health Service Executive (HSE) Information on Covid-19 Posters in Romanian Handwashing Video in Romanian Health Services Nearest You – Useful Links Domestic Violence […]

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International Day Against Racism 2020 –

Letter from our Chairperson, Anastasia Crickley: Dear Friends, At this very difficult time, as someone who has had the honour of working with a number of you, I want on today International Day against Racism – to salute the courage and commitment with which you’ve struggled in so many different ways to create conditions for […]

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Concerns for vulnerable Travellers being taken on board by Government in plan to fight COVID-19

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes today’s announcement by the Department of Housing that directors of housing in local authorities are being asked to take measures that acknowledge the particular challenges that the Traveller community face in staying safe from Coronavirus (COVID-19). “Government willingness to respond to the particular needs of Travellers is encouraging […]

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Happy International Women’s Day 2020

On International Women’s Day 2020 President Michael D. Higgins’ highlights exclusion of Traveller and Roma women. Read our submission to Citizen’s Assembly on Gender Equality, March 2020 Please find our response to and submissions to the National Women’s Strategy 2017 -2020 Also find our submission to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against […]

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Report Card 2020

The Irish Government was awarded a ‘D’ in terms of Traveller and Roma Children in Report Card 2020. As members of the Children’s Rights Alliance (CRA), Pavee Point echos the CRA call for the recommendations of the Independent Expert Group on Traveller Accommodation to be implemented Tanya Ward, Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance – “The […]

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