Inspiring Winners of 9th Traveller Pride Awards

 From Dublin, Cork , Galway, Mayo and London Traveller winners were recognised for their achievements and contributions in Education, Arts / Culture, Music, Enterprise, Youth, Sport, Intersectionality and Community at the Traveller Pride Awards today. Laura Angela Collins received the first award in the scheme for ‘Intersectionality’ for her campaign towards institutional redress related to her grandmother’s burial in a […]

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Ageing for Travellers redefined as 40+ years due to low life expectancy

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes new indicators in ageing from the Department of Health that take account of the gap in life expectancy for Irish Travellers. A report by the Healthy and Positive Ageing Initiative, launched today, acknowledges the gap in health outcomes and includes indicators that redefine Traveller ageing as 40+, recognising […]

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Travellers Speak Up at Social Inclusion Forum

Travellers and Traveller organisations spoke up at this year’s Social Inclusion Forum calling for the need for the Traveller Health Action Plan to be published and implemented.   While Travellers make up 1% of the population, Travellers make up 9% of the homeless population.  Unemployment is at 80% according to Census 2016. These issues need to […]

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First meeting of Roma Network Forum

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre hosted the 1st Roma Network Forum meeting this week. Sixteen organisations, from all over the country, attended the meeting. Organisations will be involved in information sharing and strategic planning. “We’re really delighted there is such motivation and enthusiasm for this Network and we are determined to work together to […]

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Vote for Positive Values in Elections 19

In the run up to Elections 19 Pavee Point, as part of the Community Platform , helped develop materials to promote and support the delivery of positive social values. These values are Community, Decency and Participation. Electing people who will deliver on these values on the 24th May will help achieve the type of […]

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FuturRoma at Venice Biennale

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas opened the Roma exhibition FUTUROMA, an official Collateral Event of the 58 Venice Biennale – the world’s most prestigious contemporary arts event. Minster Heiko said FUTUROMA highlighted the importance of the Roma minority as an example for a united Europe.  “The Roma arts and culture gives me hope for the Europe […]

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Reduced Timetables disruptive to quality education Oireachtas Committee hears

Traveller parents highlighted the use of reduced timetables as being disruptive to the delivery of high quality education to their children, a Pavee Point assessment has found.   Pavee Point believes this practice serves to reinforce unequal educational outcomes experienced by Traveller children. Pavee Point recently carried out a Traveller Baseline Needs Assessment in Clare, which […]

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Practice Insights from Community Development Conference

The World Community Development Conference took place in June 2018 at Maynooth University.  The conference focused on Participation, Power and Progress.  Delegates from all over the world came to reflect on diverse practices and on research and contexts all over the world. The report on the conference is now available – click on image below […]

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Statement on Animal Welfare

In recent times there have been a number of incidents  of animal cruelty reported concerning some members of the Traveller community.  Videos have been posted on social media.  These videos are highly upsetting and emotive and create a lot of ill will towards the Traveller community as a whole. We know that Travellers in general […]

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