South Dublin Survey Shows almost 80% of Travellers suffer depression

Nearly 80% of Travellers in a survey in South Dublin say they themselves or someone in their family has suffered from depression.  This compares with just 8% of the general population who reported symptoms of moderate depression as per Census 2016. The Clondalkin Traveller Development Group’s report recommends mental health services to prioritize targeted efforts […]

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Pavee Point at the 7th International Roma Women’s Conference

Tessa Collins, Senior Community Development Worker in Pavee Point, addressed the 7th International Roma Women’s Conference as part of a workshop on hate crime and evictions of Travellers and highlighting their impact on Traveller women. “The impact of local authorities not spending the Traveller accommodation budgets allocated to them is devastating, particularly for women and […]

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Garda Commissioner Visits Pavee Point

A  meeting took place with Garda Commissioner Drew Harris at Pavee Point where Garda relations with Traveller and Roma were the main focus of discussion. Commissioner Harris acknowledged the potential for institutional racism within a police force which he is familiar with through his work in relation to the McPherson Report 1999. The poor relations […]

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Keep Elections Free From Racism

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes that all main political parties signed up to the Anti-Racism Electoral Protocol launched today by the European Network Against Racism on International Day For the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. “We cannot be complacent about racism in Ireland,” said Pavee Point Co Director Martin Collins, “This is also a […]

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Ireland Ratifies the Istanbul Convention

Today, on International Women’s Day, the Government took a significant step towards protecting the rights of women in Ireland by ratifying the Istanbul Convention. The ratification of this Convention comes after years of campaigning by NGOs including the Irish Observatory on Violence against Women, which Pavee Point is a member. The Council of Europe Convention […]

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Balance for Better…. Health and Well Being IWD2019

“Traveller Women need to take the time to look after their own health,” says Mary Collins, Traveller Community Health Worker, “Health and well-being go together. Traveller women are taken up with looking after their families and sometimes they forget about themselves.” Traveller Community Health Workers work in their own communities raising awareness about health issues, […]

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Traveller Women Changemakers for IWD 2019

New Film on Traveller Women ‘The Changemakers’  is a documentary by the National Traveller Women’s Forum that looks at some of the changes  Traveller women have succeeded in bringing about – for themselves, for their own community and for the wider population.  It was shown in Leinster House house this week in celebration of International […]

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