Council of Europe visit Ireland to report on National Minorities

A delegation of the Council of Europe Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities visited Pavee Point this week as part of its country visit to Ireland. We were delighted to welcome the delegates and there was a roundtable discussion on the issues facing Travellers and Roma in Ireland today.  […]

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Traveller Collection at The Hugh Lane until September 23rd

Traveller Collection at The Hugh Lane gives a place to Traveller culture and identity in Dublin City’s Gallery and puts forward the idea of a national digital archive of Traveller culture. The project engages an ongoing collaborative process with cultural practitioners, Traveller activists and collectors in an exploration of what a Traveller collection or a […]

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HSE Visit our Primary Health Care Project

We were delighted to welcome Chief Officer of Community Health Organisation North City and County Mary Walshe, and her management team to Pavee Point this week.  After a presentation from Community Health Workers there was a discussion about some of the issues facing Primary Health Care Projects. The discussion focused on an update on the work […]

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Traveller Pride – Johnny’s Story

 This 7 minute documentary celebrates LGBTQ+ Traveller identity Aims of our video:  Celebrate LGBTQI Traveller identity. Challenge homophobia and transphobia and preconceptions of what it means to be LGBTQI within the Traveller community Educate and create awareness about the diversity of LGBTQI Travellers’ experiences Advocate for the inclusion of LGBTQI Travellers in LGBTQI organisations as well as […]

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Going the Full Fifteen for Traveller Men’s Health

There was a good turn out today for our Men’s Health Day with special guest boxer Traveller Joe Ward at our Community Heart Garden in Finglas, Dublin.   Joe brought along his world and european medals for people to see.  He spoke about the importance of keeping healthy and getting regular health checks. He said you […]

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