Stroke Prevention

During Healthy Heart Month 2017 the project focused on Stroke Prevention.  Our Primary Health Care for Travellers Project (PHCTP) distributed resources and held a stroke information session. As high blood pressure is a major cause of stroke (4 out of 10 Travellers have high blood pressure) the PHCTP also organised blood pressure checks with the […]

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Increase participation of Roma/Traveller youth

Pavee Point’s Tica Munteanu participated in dialogue on inclusion of Roma, Sinti and Travellers at an event organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) this week, during their annual Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw. (See photo above) Experiences and good practices in supporting the participation of Roma, Sinti and […]

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Pavee Point appalled at exploitation of vulnerable people

Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre welcomes today’s sentencing of members of the Rooney family, Lincolnshire on charges relating to modern slavery and fraud. As previously stated we are appalled at this situation and unequivocally condemn the despicable exploitation of vulnerable human beings as highlighted in this case. “The people involved in this exploitation are […]

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