Support for Killarney Travellers’ fight against racism

It has come to our attention that there is a demonstration against discrimination in Killarney planned for this Friday – Saint Patrick’s Day. The Travellers in the town are highlighting the ongoing endemic discrimination that they experience on a daily basis.  Quite clearly a lot of people still think it’s normal and acceptable to discriminate […]

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International  Women’s Day 2017 – Celebrating Gender and Ethnicity

International  Women’s Day 2017 is the first year  Traveller women can celebrate their identity as women  and as an ethnic group – as Traveller ethnicity was recognised by the State just one week ago. It’s a busy day for Traveller and Roma women. Trade Union Meeting Tessa Collins of our Violence Against Women programme will be speaking tonight […]

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UN says better outcomes needed for Traveller and Roma women

The State should take concrete measures to improve health, education, housing and employment outcomes for Traveller women and girls – says the UN Committee reporting on the Irish Government’s performance under the Convention On Eliminating All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).  In its concluding observations, having heard from the Irish Government and NGOs, the […]

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Our Chairperson on Recognition of Traveller Ethnicity

March 1st was a historic and symbolic day for Travellers as their more than thirty year struggle to have their ethnicity fully recognized and acknowledged was successfully concluded by the fullsome  statement by the Taoiseach in the Dail. It also marks an event of historic and symbolic importance for all who support human rights and […]

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Taoiseach’s Statement on Traveller Ethnicity

Statement by An Taoiseach Enda Kenny TD On the recognition of Travellers as an ethnic group Dáil Éireann 1 March 2017 A Cheann Comhairle, Thank you for making time in the House today for this historic and symbolic recognition of Travellers as an ethnic group within the Irish nation. Robbie is a 17-year-old young man. […]

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Traveller Ethnicity Recognised by State

The 1st March 2017 was an historic and momentous day for the Irish Traveller community and for equality in Ireland Taoiseach’s Statement on Traveller ethnicity here. Our Chairperson on recognition of Traveller ethnicity here. President presented with Traveller Ethnicity pin here. What does ethnic recognition mean for Travellers?  See our leaflet.  

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