Award for Our ‘Be Breast Cancer Aware’ Card

Pavee Point won the National Adult Literacy Association(NALA)  ‘Plain English Award’ for public health information. The awards are given for producing information through language that is easy to read and understand. Inez Bailey, CEO of NALA said the winners had won ‘for thinking of the people who use their service and putting them first’. Our ‘Be […]

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Traveller Mental Health Highlighted with Minister

Helen McEntee, TD Minister for Mental Health and Older People visited Pavee Point today and heard about the serious mental health issues facing Travellers: ·         A suicide rate that is 7 times greater than the national average ·         Factors contributing to poor mental health among Travellers – unemployment, poor accommodation and discrimination ·         Barriers to […]

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Workshops on SICAP ethnic identifier

In February 2017 we held a series of workshops with SICAP Programme Implementers and reps from Local Community Development Committees on implementing an ethnic identifier in SICAP are kicking off in Dublin. This work follows on from an event in May 2016 whereby Pavee Point was asked to produce support and guidance material to assist […]

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Roma in Ireland Commemorate Loss on Holocaust Memorial Day

Gabi Muntean of Pavee Point’s Roma Project addressed the Holocaust Memorial Day Commemoration at Dublin’s Mansion House on Sunday 29th January. “Hundreds and thousands of Roma and Sinti people were rounded up, forced into ghettos and deported to concentration and death camps, ” she said, “They wore an identifying black triangle on their camp uniforms […]

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