Gyspy, Traveller and Roma women gather in Barcelona

This week end two representatives from Pavee Point attended a meeting in Barcelona organised by The Romani Association of Women.  This meeting was to prepare for the second International Congress of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma women due to take place later this year.   Tracey Reilly and Fiona Nally spoke about the situation for Traveller […]

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Dáil Committee recommends Traveller ethnicity ‘at the earliest date possible’

The Oireachtas Joint Committee on Justice and Equality today (26th January 2017) recommended the State formally acknowledge Traveller ethnicity at the earliest date possible in 2017.  The Committee, comprised of 11 TDs and Senators from a range of parties and including Independents, urged the Taoiseach to make a statement to Dáil Eireann acknowledging that Irish Travellers  are, de […]

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A Social Portrait – ESRI Study

Pavee Point welcomes today the publication of the ESRI’s research – ‘A Social Portrait of Travellers in Ireland’. This research is to be commended in its comprehensiveness – not just in terms of methodology but also in terms of the broad context of the study. “The research confirms a lot of what we have been […]

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