One more Traveller child left behind

The case of Paddy Flynn is yet another example of a Traveller child being left behind by the education system in Ireland. Only 13% of Travellers complete formal education in comparison with 92% of the general population. 7 out of 10 Traveller children live in families where their mother has no formal education or primary […]

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Minister – End Pointless Evictions that Solve Nothing

Photo: Mobile homes are removed from the halting site at Woodland Park, Dundalk, December 2015. Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre is calling (today 25th August 2016) on Minister for Housing, Simon Coveney TD to use his Ministerial powers and introduce a ban on Traveller evictions until Travellers on local authorities housing lists are provided for. […]

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Fire Safety Findings Not Surprising But Lamentable

Findings of local authority Traveller accommodation fire safety audits are unsurprising but lamentable, says Pavee Point Traveller & Roma Centre as more and more local authorities make public their Traveller fire safety audits as a result of requests under the Freedom of Information Act. These audits were carried out as part of the Government’s ‘Programme […]

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Roma Genocide Memorial Day – 2nd August 2016

Roma in Ireland met today in Enniscorthy, Co. Wexford to commemorate Roma Genocide Memorial Day and remember the estimated 500,000 Roma who were murdered by the Nazis. The Roma Health Advocacy Project and RCPE hosted the event which heard from Roma young people and the Department of Justice.  The Roma National Anthem was played and a minute’s silence […]

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