Political Party Promises on Travellers

This is what the political parties promise Travellers in their Election Manifestos: Fianna Fail “Although very significant improvements have been made over the last fifteen years, there remain serious issues with regards educational disadvantage for children from the Traveller community. Fianna Fáil is committed to ensuring that Traveller children secure top quality education, to include […]

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Travellers – Time to counter deep-rooted hostility Nils Muiznieks

Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Nils Muižnieks, makes a strong statement on Travellers and Roma in the wake of the Carrickmines fire tragedy while this week the Council of Europe Ad hoc Committee of Experts on Roma Issues visits Dublin to inform themselves on the empowerment and participation of Roma and Travellers. STRASBOURG 04/02/2016 In October […]

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UN ‘deeply concerned’ at discrimination against Traveller and Roma children

Recommendations released today by the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) urge the Irish state to address discrimination against Traveller and Roma children and to recognise Travellers as a minority ethnic group. A third of the Committee’s recommendations focus specifically on Traveller and Roma children. The committee repeatedly highlighted their concerns about […]

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100 Traveller men to Run a Muck for a good cause

Traveller Men’s Action Plan held its second planning session this week since its launch last December.  Traveller men from the whole Eastern Region participated in this practical and positive event. The first part of the day saw over 35 Traveller men receiving various health screening checks and being introduced to many services working on men’s health […]

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