General Election 2016 – Six Points for Candidates

In General Election 2016 we are asking political parties and all election candidates to include these  6 points in their Election Manifestos: Establish a National Traveller Agency This Agency will co-ordinate and drive existing policy implementation across the areas of health, employment and education and effect positive impact on the crisis in Traveller living conditions […]

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Traveller Rights Highlighted at IHREC Launch

 Patrick Reilly, of Pavee Point’s Violence Against Women Programme spoke today at the launch of its first Strategy Statement by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. He called on the Government for progress on human rights for Travellers highlighting Traveller ethnicity and accommodation rights. “More than a decade after the UN Committee on the […]

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2nd Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence Launched

Pavee Point welcomes the Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence 2016-2021 launched on 20 January by Ms. Frances Fitzgerald T.D., Minister for Justice and Equality. Tessa Collins, Violence against Women worker in Pavee Point, said; “It is particularly welcome to see specific actions within the new Strategy that deal with improving the […]

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Evicting Travellers Solves Nothing

Pavee Point calls for a moratorium on evictions and on the use of Housing (Miscellaneous) Provisions Act 2002 – Trespass Act – which can be used to confiscate property and prosecute Travellers on the side of the road. The issue of evictions is not unique to the Traveller community, but it is particularly acute for this group […]

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Gearing Up for Census 2016 – April 24th

Pavee Point is continuing its work with the Census office in the run up to the Census 2016 on the 24th of April. This week we delivered an information session to Central Statistics Office Regional Supervisors. These are the key people involved in the Census. They manage the 400 Census Field Supervisors (who then manage […]

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School Absenteeism Case Highlights Education as a Human Right

This week’s decision by Judge Mary Larkin to jail 10 Traveller parents for failing to send their children to school highlights the importance of protecting education as a human right. Pavee Point is committed to the attainment of human rights for all Traveller and Roma children. All children have the right to an education and […]

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