What’s it like being young Roma and LGBT?

What’s it like being young Roma and LGBT? “Although we are two barely educated Roma women living in quite bad conditions, we dared to ask to be recognised as a same-sex family and, when resettled, to be granted one social housing unit where we will be living together.”(Maria, 28, Serbia) You can read the life […]

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PRESS STATEMENT: Minister- Get Rid of Discriminatory Enrolment Policies

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Press Statement February 24th 2015 Minister: Get Rid of Discriminatory Enrolment Policies Speaking today following the Supreme Court dismissal in the case of Stokes v High School Clonmel, Pavee Point Director Martin Collins highlighted the ongoing and endemic discrimination created by enrolment policies in Ireland. “This outcome effectively legalises […]

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