Conducting a Participatory Local Needs Assessment

A thematic Roma Rights Forum was held in Pavee Point on 16 October.  This thematic session examined the process of undertaking local needs analyses through a discussion of principles and approaches to working with communities.  The following three areas were discussed: Human Rights Based Approaches – Fidelma Joyce, Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission. Including […]

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Realisation of Traveller and Roma Womens’ Rights

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre and The Centre for Global Women’s Studies (National University of Ireland, Galway) hosted a discussion of Traveller and Romani women’s rights in Pavee Point on 22 Oct.  We were delighted to welcome Crina Morteanu, a feminist activist and Rosaleen McDonagh, Traveller Playwright, to discuss Traveller and Romani women’s rights […]

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Pavee Point Press Statement 26 Oct 2014   Mob Violence Has No Place in Ireland Pavee Point strongly condemns any actions to intimidate and promote violence against Roma in Waterford.  This follows the publication of multiple Facebook pages which openly incite hatred against Roma, and reports of a public order incident on Saturday evening where […]

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OSCE Human Development and Implementation Meeting

The Pavee Point Violence Against Women programme were present at the OSCE Human Development and Implementation Meeting in Warsaw in early October. The programme was invited to present at a session about Romani women and domestic violence, talking about collective and individual experiences of Traveller and Roma women who face Violence in state services. The […]

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Facebook Hate Speech Page Removed

A Facebook page called ‘Get Them Out of Town’ came to our attention on October 8th. The page had over 800 Likes and featured a number of racist and demeaning posts about the Roma population in Waterford, and users discussed vigilante violence against Roma on the page. This was not the first time that such […]

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PRESS STATEMENT: Discrimination Follows Travellers to the Grave

Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre Press Statement October 20th, 2014 Discrimination Follows Travellers to the Grave “I just wanted dignity and respect for my son.” Speaking today following the release of the Equality Tribunal decision involving discriminatory conduct by a funeral director against a Traveller family, Pavee Point Director Martin Collins highlighted the ongoing […]

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