PP calls on OSCE to promote Inclusion

Pavee Point attended the Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting in Vienna in October.  The meeting, organized jointly by the Ukrainian 2013 OSCE Chairmanship and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), marked  the 10th anniversary of the Action Plan on Roma and Sinti inclusion and presented the ODIHR’s 2013 Status Report  on its […]

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ICCPR Human Rights Committee questions for Ireland

Human Rights Committee  highlights Traveller ethnicity and Roma inclusion in questions to Ireland under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Human Rights Committee will examine  Ireland in July 2014.  In advance of this the Committee has provided a list of issues that Ireland has to provide information on, so it can assess […]

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Traveller Ethnicity at Joint Oireachtas Committee

Pavee Point this week welcomed the completion of hearings at the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality on the issue of Traveller ethnicity. The Committee heard from Traveller organisations in April 2013. In the Summer of this year, they heard from several academics, and have just completed hearing submissions from the Human Rights Commission […]

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Mental Health Training

A full day Mental Health Matters training was held in Pavee Point on November 18th, facilitated by Mental Health Ireland.  About 27 staff and participants from various programmes in Pavee Point attended the training, which aimed to increase participants’ self awareness around mental health.  The training enabled staff to positively influence others with this knowledge […]

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During November each year, Movember inspires men to grow moustaches to raise vital funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer and mental health. By growing a moustache, men ‘change the face’ of health and become walking billboards for often ignored men’s health issues. To mark Movember, the Health Team in Pavee Point are holding a health […]

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Equality and Ethnic Data Seminar

On Monday November 4th, Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, with NUIM’s Department of Applied Social Sciences hosted a Data Collection seminar in Dublin. With over 100 people in attendance, speakers Claire Fernandez from the European Network Against Racism, Professor Raj Bhopal of the University of Edinburgh and Brigid Quirke from Pavee Point and UCD […]

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Travellers Accessing Addiction Services

The Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse recently published an article that Siobhan Cafferty, former Pavee Point Drugs Programme Coordinator, co-authored with researchers from the Health Research Board, pertaining to Travellers accessing addiction services (check out la drug rehab center to get rid off drug addiction) in Ireland.  The following is an abstract of the article […]

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