UN Universal Periodic Review of Ireland’s Human Rights 2022

The 49th Session of the Human Rights Council is currently taking place and the Irish Government’s report under the Universal Periodic Review is being adopted. In response to this report, Pavee Point and other Traveller organisations are delivering a statement on behalf of International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination.

International Movement against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism presents this statement on behalf of and in cooperation with its member Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre and in partnership with National Traveller Women’s Forum, Mincéir Whiden, Donegal Travellers Project
and Galway Traveller Movement.

Solidarity with minorities – including in Ukraine

We make our statement in solidarity with all other minorities, people seeking international protection and those impacted by war – including in Ukraine.

We are pleased to note that Ireland has accepted some key recommendations in relation to addressing racism and discrimination and to progress the rights of Travellers and Roma.

The forthcoming National Action Plan against Racism and legislation to combat hate speech and crime – if fully implemented- will play key roles in their elimination.

Ireland has also made a commitment to develop and implement Ireland’s second National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy, and to set clear targets, outcomes and other crucial metrics so that this reiteration of the Strategy will have a positive outcome.

Need for Government to urgently deliver on commitments

Traveller and Roma accommodation, education, employment, health, as well as women’s rights are other areas where commitments have now been made. However, these commitments have already been in place for a significant period of time, including the development and publication of the Traveller Education Strategy and National Traveller Health Action Plan.

Ireland now needs to urgently take action to realise them.

No commitment to halt racial profiling

We regret that despite calls to introduce legislation to prohibit racial profiling, Ireland has not made a commitment to do this. With a number of Travellers, Roma and other groups reporting racial profiling by the police, it is obvious that the current mechanisms have not provided a solution. We call Ireland to undertake action to address this issue.

Finally, we urge Ireland to fully implement the recommendations, further strengthen implementation structures, and enhance collaboration with Traveller, Roma and other civil society organisations.