#16 Days of Action Event

Pavee Point spoke up for better implementation structures and more focus on minority needs – including Travellers and Roma  – at today’s launch of a report monitoring Ireland’s performance on domestic and gender based violence under the Istanbul Convention.

Megan Berry speaking at the report launch in Wood Quay Dublin.

Speaking at the 16 Days of Activism event our Violence Against Women Community Development Worker Megan Berry welcomed the report and echoed findings that there needs to be more emphasis on collecting data on ethnicity and to addressing the particular barriers that Traveller and Roma women face when seeking supports.

“Traveller and Roma women must have their voices and experiences heard in all future policy making around domestic violence,” said Ms. Berry.

This important report was published by the Irish Observatory on Violence Against Women which is made up of 22 organisations working on violence against women, many representing affected communities.

Please find full report here – https://www.nwci.ie/images/uploads/IOVAW_GREVIOS.pdf 

Representatives of National Women’s Council, AkiDwA, SiSi, Women’s Aid , Galway Rape Crisis, Dublin Rape Crisis, Sonas, Aoibhneas, Sexual Violence Centre, Cork, Ascend, Haven Horizons and Caride Ireland at today’s report launch.