Traveller Men’s Action Plan held its second planning session this week since its launch last December. Traveller men from the whole Eastern Region participated in this practical and positive event.
The first part of the day saw over 35 Traveller men receiving various health screening checks and being introduced to many services working on men’s health and promoting men’s health.

The second part of the day was allocated to planning and organising for our first challenge RUN-A-MUCK taking place on the 5th March. This is a 10k obstacle course testing stamina and endurance. Not only was there great enthusiasm from the men involved, but we are now happy to announce that there will be in excess of 100 Traveller men participating in TMAP’s first challenge.
We would like to thank all the Eastern Region Traveller Health Network projects, the HSE through the Traveller Health Unit , ESB Generations Fund, The National Screening Service, The Irish Heart Foundation, The Irish Cancer Society, The Marie Keating Foundation and The Irish Asthma Society for their support and look forward to the next event.
There’s no stopping us now!